Preventive Vaccines
The Santa Cruz Departmental Health Service (Headquarters) reported that it will strengthen preventive measures against the yellow fever epidemic unleashed in the Brazilian cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The yellow fever outbreak registered in Brazil continues to grow strongly, and Since last July to date, the number of deaths has reached 260, higher than that recorded a year before, despite the government’s efforts to immunize millions of people with preventive vaccines.
The most recent report from the Brazilian Ministry of Health indicates that from July 1, 2017 to March 6, there were 846 cases of confirmed yellow fever infections in the country, of which 260 died.
In dialogue with EL DEBER, the person responsible for the Expanded Immunization Program (PAI), Boris Chang, pointed out that “since last year we have been under permanent surveillance for the outbreak of yellow fever, but it must be highlighted that it is affecting Brazil and not so.” to our country yet.”

“We maintain surveillance actions at the border, especially of travelers, who may be carriers of the disease, for which vaccination is essential,” said the doctor. To this end, Chang reported that to enter Brazil, the so-called “ yellow card”, which certifies that the person is immunized against evil.
Preventive vaccine recommendations
In this framework, the authorities accelerate the vaccination of people in Puerto Quijarro and Puerto Suárez, especially children under one year old, who are the most vulnerable.
The yellow fever vaccine is valid for life, Chang explained, so it is not necessary to be immunized a second time. The expert said that the belief that you have to get vaccinated every ten years is not true. What has to be done every decade is the renewal of the “yellow card”, which is the validity of that document.
Todos los centros de salud de Santa Cruz cuentan con vacunas suficientes para atender a la población menor de edad y para los viajeros que no se hayan inmunizado nunca.
Chang dijo que, desde el año 2.000, que no hay casos de fiebre amarilla en Bolivia. La situación en Brasil está relacionada con gente que ingresó a áreas selváticas. Por eso, la población que vaya a regiones selváticas como Villa Tunari, debe vacunarse y evitar la enfermedad.
Chang stressed the need to adopt preventive measures against yellow fever. Vaccination is the only means to achieve immunity against the disease.
Among the symptoms are high fever, general malaise and yellowish discoloration of the skin.